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Platform Manifests

This document provides an example of how Holos uses CUE and Helm to unify and render the platform configuration. It refers to the manifests rendered in the Try Holos Locally guide.

Take a moment to review the manifests holos rendered to build the platform.

ArgoCD Application

Note the Git URL in the Platform Model is used to derive the ArgoCD Application resource for all of the platform components.

# deploy/clusters/workload/gitops/namespaces.application.gen.yaml
kind: Application
name: namespaces
namespace: argocd
server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
project: default
path: /deploy/clusters/workload/components/namespaces
targetRevision: HEAD

One ArgoCD Application resource is produced for each Holos component by default. The CUE definition which produces the rendered output is defined in buildplan.cue around line 222.


Note how CUE does not use error-prone text templates, the language is well specified and typed which reduces errors when unifying the configuration with the Platform Model in the following #Argo definition.

// buildplan.cue

// #Argo represents an argocd Application resource for each component, written
// using the #HolosComponent.deployFiles field.
#Argo: {
ComponentName: string

Application: app.#Application & {
metadata: name: ComponentName
metadata: namespace: "argocd"
spec: {
destination: server: "https://kubernetes.default.svc"
project: "default"
source: {
path: "\(_Platform.Model.argocd.deployRoot)/deploy/clusters/\(_ClusterName)/components/\(ComponentName)"
repoURL: _Platform.Model.argocd.repoURL
targetRevision: _Platform.Model.argocd.targetRevision

// deployFiles represents the output files to write along side the component.
deployFiles: "clusters/\(_ClusterName)/gitops/\(ComponentName).application.gen.yaml": yaml.Marshal(Application)

Helm Chart

The cert-manger component renders using the upstream Helm chart. The build plan that defines the helm chart to use along with the values to provide looks like the following.


Holos fully supports your existing Helm charts. Consider leveraging holos as an alternative to umbrella charts.

// components/cert-manager/cert-manager.cue
package holos

// Produce a helm chart build plan.
(#Helm & Chart).Output

let Chart = {
Name: "cert-manager"
Version: "1.14.5"
Namespace: "cert-manager"

Repo: name: "jetstack"
Repo: url: ""

Values: {
installCRDs: true
startupapicheck: enabled: false
// Must not use kube-system on gke autopilot. GKE Warden blocks access.
global: leaderElection: namespace: Namespace

resources: requests: {
cpu: "250m"
memory: "512Mi"
"ephemeral-storage": "100Mi"
webhook: resources: Values.resources
cainjector: resources: Values.resources
startupapicheck: resource: Values.resources

nodeSelector: {
"": "linux"
if _ClusterName == "management" {
"": "true"
webhook: nodeSelector: Values.nodeSelector
cainjector: nodeSelector: Values.nodeSelector
startupapicheck: nodeSelector: Values.nodeSelector